The Bears are Girly Men

Well the market ran into a death spiral of a big honking .8%  I must admit while i watched tv this morning from my diamond studded porcelian throne I took much glee in seeing the minor meltdown in China (even though I own a host of chinese bunk names).   From watching the news you would have …

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Position update-Kunal00 moves

Been an active little morning…..This market just doesnt seem to want to give in an inch. As I search for some intelligable(if that even is a word) conversation about the markets I turn to the one brilliant man I know who will always give me the right answer. I say to myself what are the forward …

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GamePlan Tuesday 8/25/2009

Nothing changed much yesterday after the unexpected breakout on the SPY (unexpected on my part). We gapped up and everything started running but the day was basically even on the indexes. But yesterday was a great example of how a good trader can make some big nuts returns playing individual setups and market volatility. And …

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Twitter: The Ultimate Polygraph

I am not one to pull punches as many of you have seen on Twitter. I usually call it like I see it & I always put my money where my mouth is. Since I started researching and sharing stocks using Twitter, my overall portfolio is up significantly this year. One might argue that the bull market has som