Watch List 11/14/2013

Market making new highs but today one of those days most of our gains came from shorting stocks! $1824 gains for the day! At Bulls On WallStreet, our goal is to train traders to keep their losses small and squeeze out as much as they can from the gains. Trading great risk to reward setups …

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Watch List 11/13/2013

Slow flat day in the Market as indices stay in the range.  We had another decent day mostly playing VNDA and GOGO, two earning/news plays with $2147 gains for the day. The bulls trading room has been on fire and if you aren’t trading with us then you are really missing out. We are offering …

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Watch List 11/11/2013

Here are some stocks that I am watching for tomorrow. Check out our gains from last week here, we had an awesome week in the bulls room with $6,482 in gains. The bulls trading room has been on fire and if you aren’t trading with us then you are really missing out. We are offering a …

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Watch List 11/06/2013

Choppy day in the Market as narrow range consolidation continues. Tricky environment so better to avoid over trading. The bulls trading room has been on fire and if you aren’t trading with us then you are really missing out. We are offering a two week free trial for any new prospective members.Email me  to …

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Watch List 11/04/2013

Great month for Bulls crew with $36,802 gains for October! This was a volatile flattish month for the indices with small cap negative for the month and S&P-500 gaining only .24% for the month. Great performance  by our trade alerts and strategies!  If you want to learn to trade like us or unhappy about  making …

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Watch List 11/01/2013

Consolation continues in the Market,but still some great short term trading opportunities in various names with both long and shorts. Decent day in chat room with $1435 gains from official trade alerts.If you want to learn to trade like us or unhappy about  making not making big consistent  gains or struggling with your trading even …

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