Watch List 10/09/2014

Bounce day in the market after a huge sell off once bears managed to took out that 100 MA , as we wrote about in the last blog post. However, market manged to hold the low from October 2nd, thus creating a short term double  bottom pattern which triggered  a short covering rally today.   …

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Watch List 10/07/2014

Gap up and fade day  in the Market as SPY  could not clear the overhead  50 MA resistance.                                       Market is  in the mid point here, Bulls want to see SPY over 50 MA and Bears will …

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Watch List 09/25/2014

SPY bounced lower bollingar band as expected and we are back. Let’s see if Bull can follow through on this move.                                       Decent range and price action for active traders out there. We are having another great …

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