Tricky week in the Market as indices keep on churning/grinding up, however i found the price action in individual stocks  not so favorable and momentum names remain weak. I saw stocks that broke out but did no go anywhere later,even the earning play not showing much strength. So i will be little cautious going forward  next week.If you  are struggling with your trading even in this Bull market then you need to join our upcoming month long trading boot camp course starting November 5th. Learn how to be profitable in any market and to grow a small account! We teach you everything from risk management to scanning to trading strategies. I also share my exclusive intraday trading strategies that produce big gains with minimal risks.  The class is one of a kind. See why you should sign up for the course here and email me if interested in signing up! You will also have access to a  private community where you can  ask questions, share charts and talk with the instructors about your trades.

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Posting both long and short setups for tomorrow.










BMRN Short watch.










BONT Could get a pop over 50 DMA, 11.34 area.Over 33% float short.










EOPN Coiling up. Watching 23 area for movement. Thin stock.










HCA Breakout retest so far .Back over 47.19 for  movement.










ICAD Still flagging. Watching for movement.










KERX Coiling up. Watching 11 area for movement.










ORB Coiling up. Watching 23.80 area for movement.










SGEN Short watch.










SLCA 20 DMA bounce.Watching back over 32.66 for a pop or below 31 for short.










Z Short watch.





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