Trading Watch List 10.17.2023

stock trading watch list

QQQ trend line resistance fade and close below 50 MA. Bulls need to defend 20 MA, 362 area. Tech earning season starts this week. Hopefully that will provide a better picture, whether this was a just a bear market rally or a pullback before  start of a new uptrend.



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Check out our watch list and game plan:

META Pull to breakout spot. See if this holds or failed breakout.
NVDA Closed below 8 EMA. Watching if 349/350 area hold. Overall bearish head and shoulder pattern.
TSLA Faded after failed to hold 260 support.250 big spot here. Watching for direction wither way, red to green on green to red. Earning Wednesday.
NFLX See if this 250 holds ahead if earning Wednesday for a dead cat bounce.
CRNX Rally back over 8/20 MA. Back on radar.
IMVT Watching back over38 with volume.


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