Here is a video trade review on our trades in YOKU in the chatroom  on thursday and friday.  Often stocks once they bottom out will be in play for many days with setups on both the longside and shortsize.  On thursday we added YOKU for a scalp on a washout/then red to green move at 14.20 it popped a dollar in just a few minutes.  Then on friday we added it again at 15.35 selling shares from 16.08 all the way to 16.75 in 20 minutes.  Today we nailed a short trade on yoku shorting at 17.70 covering our last shares at 16.15 a nearly 9% gain in 10-15 minutes.  Its very important to have a goto list of stocks.  AS many of my traders in the chatroom know i often will play the same stocks over and over when they are in play flipping them around 3-4x in a week.




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