Tape Reading and Options Webinar by Sang Lucci

At BullsonWallstreet we pride ourselves on providing legitimate trading education. We don’t BS our students and we only teach techniques that we practice ourselves.

We brought Sang Lucci on as a partner educator because he fits the same bill.

Sang Lucci trades options. He’s been extremely successful at it. When he started out, he had $5000 and ZERO knowledge of how to trade. Fast forward six years later and he’s got an over $1.2 million trade under his belt. Today he pulled over $110,000 in profits out of Bank of America and Citigroup options. He manages his own hedge fund.

The guy may be a little crazy… but all traders are.

Now we will have Lucci do some webinars for us. Starting with the base of his strategies which is Reading the Tape and trading options.

Most of you probably don’t know what Tape Reading is so here’s a little bit of an article Lucci wrote about it awhile back:

“So, why do you need to know about Tape Reading?

Because reading the tape helps to answer the questions every trader asks. How do I know when to get into this trade? When do I get out of this trade? When are big buyers and sellers going to move this stock? Why did this stock price just jump 5 points?

The term ‘tape reading’ gets its name from the old method of displaying trades. Information on bids and ask prices were printed on paper by a ticker tape machine. Investors would crowd around these machines and read the tape numbers to try and capitalize on the behavior of the market.

The basic premise of tape reading involves evaluating the size of stock orders, the frequency of orders and the price at which orders are taking place (at ask, at bid, between ask and bid) to identify trends in trading behavior by insiders, professionals and the general public. Profiting from understanding these trends is what tape readers seek to do.

Today, everything is done electronically and within fractions of seconds. The tape has evolved to display it’s information through several tools readily available in most broker platforms. These tools are the ‘time and sales’ and the level 2. These two tools compile all the necessary information for the savvy tape reader. Gimme those two with a simple chart and I’m good to go!

Over the years, tape reading took a back seat to ‘Technical Analysis’. Ironically, technical analysis is just a derivation of tape reading and seeks to transform bid and ask prices into charts and categorize specific price action into common chart patterns. This particular analysis also adds in the use of many ‘technical indicators’ that introduce even more patterns to the game.

To tape readers, the only two terms we really need to be concerned about are BID and ASK.

All the technical analysis in the world is just a simple recreation of price action (BID and ASK). There isn’t much quality literature on Tape Reading, making it difficult to learn and even more difficult to profit. Sang Lucci and BullsOnWallstreet are here to change that.”

The BullsonWallstreet name has continued to thrive through providing top quality service. We convinced Sang and old bulls intern Peter “the Intern” who runs the fund to come on board with us because we believe in the profit potential offered by options and Tape Reading. We knew that if we were going to offer education in this stuff it had to be someone we would learn from too.

At 4:05 this Thursday Sang Lucci and Kunal will host a webinar introducing Sang’s services and trading techniques. If you want to find out how a man goes from broke to ballin’ out through his own sweat and hard work, join us!

They’ll explain what Tape Reading is and Sang’s options strategies and they led to a $110K gainer today. We’ll also have an extensive Q&A period so you guys can ask everything you want to know.

Click the below link to join the Webinar!




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