Market is at resistance here and its overbought. As Im playing the range I have been selling off some shares and taking profits. I will reload at the bottom of the range in the SPY or the 50dma. I still have a feeling the breakout is coming as Im seeing nice setups in the TRAN SOX and some other indices. But since we are overbought the probability of a sustained a breakout lessens slightly. If we do breakout I will reload accordingly

I have taken profits in many longterm swings. added numerous scalps today.
I have traded the last few days like a lunatic as the market has been choppy but its been a downright “shit carnival” with AMEX pennies on fire, biomania and the china dingdongs breaking.
To watch me trade the last few days has been a thing of beauty like a threesome between Mandy Moore and Rachel McAdams (they are sooooooooo bubbly!!)
I have liquidated 3/4s of my $acad all of my $arna (both gains were above 10%) Daytraded yesterday $arry 3x yesterday for cumulative (+10%) $eonc today (+8%) Sold off $sutr $uco (+4%)
Took a small loss on $idi selling out for 8.05 today (–5%) $eds (-2%) out of my trading accounts. Still have them in my IRA’s. Having volumeless China DingDong stocks in your trading account is like dating a transvestite without a cock just pointless
Covered my shorts in $biof $hpj (both nice ++15%) gains
I have added a quick swing in $bee today 1.87 added a short in $fcx 79.45 (will add more at 80.00) with a stop at 80.40
Also $zstn 8.16 in my ira.
As you can tell its been a pretty fucking good time in the Boooooom Roooooom “where all the magic happens”
But I must admit I have made a very eggregious error as im getting jack hammered in the DONG every 10 minutes with a rusty nailgun via $yong (pun intended!) This thing has got me basted and i have a decent size position in. Lesson: hmmmmmmmmmmm DONT FRIGGING DOUBLE DOWN LIKE A Pakistani gypsy playing UNO. How am I supposed to be the “cockgod” standing side by side with my bestfriend “stockgod” if my balls have dismantled and stabled on the flag pole as a lesson to double downers…
Not sure but looking for an exit plan! Or I might just add some more!!
Top Pick: $zstn