Hey, team. To prepare for our new version of Bullson.ws (coming very soon), we are implementing a new way of communicating our trades to you on the trading floor (boom factory).

In the left trading window Kunal, Rahul and I will be adding tags to our messages to give you better guidance and to allow for our new trading floor to recognize different types of trades.

Starting tomorrow, Friday, you will start seeing the following tags preceding messages as follows:

<C> for ‘Call Only’ – this will define a play that’s called by the trader, but not traded since the trader may have capital tied up in another trade.

<E >for “Execution Trade” – a play that’s called and executed by the trader using their own capital. These are the stocks we’re actually positioned in.

<R> for “Radar Stocks” – messages with this tag contain stocks that are worth watching, but have not triggered a <C> or <E> from one of the traders.

You will not need to do anything in the right window (community chat) as these tags are for the primary trading window.  Let me know if you have any questions.  ryan@bullson.ws.



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