3/4 Short Term Trade Setups

Here are the lastest stocks on my Watch List.  Careful, these can be very volatile. Stick very close to your trades. 

STEM – nice day today on good, not great, volume. I’m not convinced it will move, but definitely worth watching.  Bollinger bands are opening with positive MACD.  There is resistance here, so I’m looking for an entry around 1.25.  Will also take volume to push STEM through 1.28.  We’ll see how it goes.

FBP – Back on my match list – triangle setup.  The move has not happened, so I’m really just watching.  if we get above 2.20 with volume, I’ll be interested.

GY – I really like the chart here.. I think some of you might have picked some up today at the top of this triangle.  I’m looking for a move above 4.66 for swing entry. Lots of room above if we can get some volume. 

PVX – Swing opportunity.  Currently trading in a sideways channel, but could move out and continue up longer term upward trending channel.  Needs to get through 8.28.

SVA coiling up under SMA50. I would like to see a move over SMA20 and SMA50 tomorrow before I participate.
FCF – somewhat of a cup and handle formation – needs to get through SMA200.  My entry would be 5.78, or above.
BWEN – Big time ugly pullback from 9.9 down to 5.  I’m watching it now because of the hammer on the daily chart and an opening of the bollinger bands.  This isn’t a great setup, but it has my attention.

A few general ideas to think about tomorrow…

  1. Thursday we’ll see retail sales numbers.  Here are a few stocks I’m watching that might move based on the news.  Create your own retail watch list and get ready.
  2. Natural Gas is also very interesting to me right now.  Check out the report that comes out tomorrow and like retail, get a list together of possible plays depending on the news. NGAS, CHK, GST, UNG

See you in the boom factory.



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