25 momo stocks 7/27/2010

I am seeing momo stocks come back on my scans for the first time in a while.  When market rips these are the most powerful plays as they tend to breakout for days and can make huge runs.  You really want to see the market breakout if ur gonna load up on a ton of these.
Here are 25 of the top momo stocks I see in the market


I run scans all the time.  Here is a scan I run to find find momentum stocks.  The list is dynamic as 1 dip in the market  can change the whole nature of the list. See stocks with momo go up the fastest when market runs and drop like a bag of terds when market dips.

Its been quite some time since MOMO stocks were making a run. These stocks can be punished during market dips. This is the first time in weeks I have seen
numerous stocks show up and see multiple breakout patterns from the list.

This is a great place if your a swingtrader for a watchlist.  If you see the stocks many of them share the same characteristics.  Lot of tech plays etc  This is a composite momo screen so not every stock is in the same mode some are near breakout some are near pullback, many are flagging. Lots are actionable   So there are different setups in this group.


How to use this list?


 Highlight the tickers.  Paste them into finviz.  All the charts will show up on 1 page with all their fundamental data and news! That easy people.  Then narrow it down to what interests you and voila. This list is very powerful.


Few days ago? $NXTM it was huge. Everyday something will breakout on this watchlist if not multiple. It was flagging for days: then boooooooom Depending on your style of trading you can buy it in anticipation of breakout (with tight risk controls) or set some alerts and play the breaks



One thing I like to track is the changes in this list.  New additions and also stocks that stay.  The stocks that keep showing up on this list are showing continuous strength.   That is a plus and something that should be watched closely.  Also I like to track the nature of the list to see what types of stocks are working in this market as I scan the whole stock universe. Notice stocks that fall of this list. They can be great short candidates.



What do you notice? How many posts have I done on $vg or $kem ? Lots!  Heck a lot of these stocks I find them before they even make it on the momo list (I got a great feel for what will become momo)    So that is what I focus my list on first. Also new additions. See $spu showed up for the 1st  time. So this is a stock if im a trader I watch closely as it probably is ready to btfo over and over for the next couple weeks (and boy has it). There will be many seperate and different trades in it as it will move up, pullback, flag, breakout, pullback etc etc



If you track my twitter posts you will see me continuously play these stocks for daytrades, swingtrades, scalps. $vg $entr $kem $akrx $dvax $pwer I will play them till the momo is over. Multiple times i will keep playing them till they fall off the list

 I even take the stocks that have gotten ahead of theselves and are fading and put them on a “short list”. Past few weeks I have shorted like $idt numerous momo stocks

A lot of these stocks can be swung as they are sitting on support  many are ready to bounce if you dont trade breakouts

 Here are some favs  that look like they are going to breakout again.   — These stocks will mostly like breakout today or tomorrow:

 $abr $lcc $aptk $avii $nbix
Many of these like $kem $pwer will be ready in a day or 2 to buy on pullback and make excellent swing candidates


Type: candle | line | technical    Timeframe: daily





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