Market was strong today.. I am seeing alot more long setups than shorts.  Here is a list of stocks that I am watching for tomorrow, mostly longs with a few shorts.

WIBC– breakout at 3.58


IPSU- watching for a break of 3.6.. been basing here and looks to have put in a bottom. should go soon

WNC-flagging right above this 200dma.. watch for more if 8 breaks

TBI- break of 14 sets it running

PRXI- watching for a red to green move on this one.. will be a quick trade

NTSP- breakout at 8.. consolidating above major moving average.. should go

KOG- flagging.. major uptrend. could have more if this mini flag breaks

CIEN- consolidating for a move.. watch for a break of 12.3 (50dma)

CIE- flagging after a big up move.. could have more if the flag breaks. 16 might be the trigger spot

CECO- 7.92 break should pop this one

UXG- trying to break range here at 3.31

DECK- almost ready for snapback.. maybe around 75.. will watch it tomorrow

ZAGG- on snapback watch.. had a strong close, tomorrow could be the day


CLGX- short watch… consolidating right under 50dma. if market is weak this is one to look at for a short

AXAS- bearish chart.. should breakdown more from here. Could enter with a stop above the 20dma.

RAM- still on short watch.. looking for weakness



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