Small Pull back day in the Market as many stocks were getting extended. Few days of basing and sideways action will set some fresh new long setups. S&P-500 now has support on gap fill and or 10 SMA around 165.30/165  area for now. Small watch list for tonight as many charts could use some basing action. If you are interested in trading these low risk/ Huge gains  setups with us and learn trading, live in a chat room with a super team of traders, please  email for info.

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AMAP Might get a pop over 12.98/13.










ENPH     Watching over 8.34.










FXCM 20 MA bounce.16.80 break out watch.










RPRX 21 break out watch if no gap up.










VNDA Could get a pop over 9.43.










XONE May be a bounce on 50MA 52/51.30 if flushes in the morning.




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