Bulls keep on pushing the Market up,however, I noticed some volatility in individual stocks intraday.It seems traders are becoming nervous and willing to sell on any weakness so lets maintain some caution for now as Index’s becoming extended. One nice trade for me today was to buy LLEN early morning for a bounce in the chat room and mentioned it on twitter.



I bought the stock at 3.77 and it closed with over 15%, kinda made the day for me.

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ADUS Breakout watch. Thin stock, reduce size on good setup.










AMAP Bounce watch over 12.75.










CTRP 30.15 continuation watch.










EXAM 19 breakout watch.










HUN Breaks out back over 19.45.










RT 9.84 breakout watch.










SB Flagging. Over 5.05 for movements.










TASR Coiling up. Watching over 9.20.










TEX Like it over 32.










TIBX Into the gap over 21.17.









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