Flat day in the Market but price action remains strong and  for many stocks.Another super day in Bulls chat room with alerts gaining $2400 for the day ! If you are struggling with your trading the you need to join our 60 day bootcamp course . Our program is designed in such a way that you come out of it ready to trade live in just 3 months. We teach you everything from risk management to scanning to trading strategies. The class is one of a kind. See why you should sign up for the course here and email me thenyctrader@gmail.com.You will also have access to a private community where you can ask questions, share charts and talk with the instructors or other traders.
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AWAY  Range break watch.
AWAY Range break watch.
CUDA  Continuation watch over 38.94 on a good setup. Trades thin.
CUDA Continuation watch over 38.94 on a good setup. Trades thin.
ENTA Breakout watch.
ENTA Breakout watch.
ENV Range break watch. Swing type stock. Nice 20/50 DMA support here.
ENV Range break watch. Swing type stock. Nice 20/50 DMA support here.
KYTH 50 DMA bounce watch.
KYTH 50 DMA bounce watch.
OPTT Watching for a setup intraday for continuation.
OPTT Watching for a setup intraday for continuation.
QUNR  IPO break out watch.
QUNR IPO break out watch.
ZU  Watching for a bounce soon.
ZU Watching for a bounce soon.



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