Trading Watch List 01.27.2020

Extended market needed a catalyst for a pull back and spread of Corona Virus news provided one. Given the news uncertainty, I am expecting some volatility ahead. So follow the price action for both long an short trades. Earning season is in full swing with some big earnings coming up. Earning plays are also in focus. SPY finally closed below 8 EMA support. 20 SMA or 325 area next support  but if there is any type of panic support might be less  relevant.

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GUSH Energy ETF is getting oversold. Watching for a bounce trade here on a red to green move.
LABU Biotech ETF getting oversold and approaching bounce zone. Keeping an eye.
BYND Holding up well and flag formation. Keeping an eye.
LK Trying to hold 40 support area. See if this 40 holds for a bounce play. If panic sell off , next support 50 SMA.
MNTA High and tight flag. Keeping an eye.
SPCE Every dip in this gets bought. Holding support for now. Watching for next direction.
PTON Bouncing trend line yet again. Watching back over 31.
SQ Has a gap to fill over 72.
NVAX Virus vaccine play. Tight wedge. Watching over 8.
ADPT Huge volume move on this one. Something to watch going forward.

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