Webinar Thursday! On Breakout trading. We will go over my method of trading and how I trade the my 5 types of breakouts. I have 3 types of trades that I do. This type of breakout trading, an assortment of pullback setups, and my GOTO bulls setups. As a trader one of the keys to making money consistently on a daily basis is to have a large toolbox of setups that you can use so that no matter the market conditions you have a style that will work. Most trader are beholden to a specific system. They trade 1 style and if that style isnt in favor in the market at a given time they take hits in their account as the small losses pile up or they just sit out. Breakouts are great for the most part they are applicable in most market phases but not all. That is why you need to learn different styles so that you can see what is working in the market and then exploit that.
Here is where what we will be going over:
Flat Top Breakouts
• Base Breakouts
• Flag Breakouts
• Intraday Breakouts
• PR breakouts/Earnings breakouts
This is a shortened version of 1 of the 16 chapters i teach in the TRADING BOOTCAMP
Class starts June 10th email tim@bullson.ws for details on the full class.