Im on the road today till about 12:00pm or so. I will get in the BF as soon as possible. You all have my phone and email so buzz me if you need anything.
I expect a flattish open. market is in no man’s land. Defensive posture is still necessary as the market is positioned in a downtrend which means your fighting the odds everytime you go long. Cash is king right now but as always when we see opportunities like Friday to buy we will be very very aggressive take our money and then move on to the next day. There is still tons of money to be made. There has been almost a 7 out 10 hit ratio on trades the last few weeks so there is def money to be made and the market is selectively presenting opportunities. Even though the SPY and the DOW dont look to pretty. The Russell2k ($iwm) is still on support and has been a good tell for moves in the market. Plus I am still seeing some great stock setups for the next week.