Another strong day in the bulls room, $597 in gains today.. thats over $3000 in gains in 3 days. Not to bad 🙂 We had a nice rally in the markets into a close.. makes me think we have a green day tomorrow. Regardless, there have been some really great momo stocks to trade this week. Just take a look at $prkr $cbmx $chtp $spwr $pay etc.
Check out the trades below from today.. also you can see all of the trades from the bulls room here. All alerts are called out live via video chat with entires, exits, and position size. Email me if you have any questions or interested in trading with us. We have a great broker who offers excellent short borrows and allows you to daytrade freely with an account as little as $2500. I can get you more info on that if you email me.
CBMX- r/g watch for tomorrow
PRKR- r/g watch
MRVL- basing, breakout watch
SRPT- short watch
ABMD- breakout watch
CAMP- bull flag, breakout of this flag
OPK-Â bull flag
JCP- nice breakout today in weak market.. looking for more tomorrow