guys…a majority of yesterdays watchlist all closed up 7-10% off the trigger prices yesterday. Unfortunately i cant play them all. Often instead of jumping just into all my trades and chasign things back and forth always try to play 1-2 stocks on your own. its a great way to learn. If you have questions on triggers and how to play them just ask in the room. there is no reason that each person should not at least had 4-5 killer trades yesterday netting them between 4-20% on each trade. good breakout days or a week where they really wrok only come along once every blue moon so you have to really milk it. trading is often knowing when to go in “big” and when to step back and play small. judging by the emails ive gotten last few weeks im very pleased with some of your progress. Got a lot of emails yesterday from members who send me their trade journals and saw a lot of people with 5-10% gains in their accounts in the last 2 days. when i was checking the online trade reporting for our trading group on the bulls pro platform one of the traders on the bulls pro platform went from 8k to 11k in 2 days without even overnight leverage. just trading breakouts with very tight stops and perfect position sizng off my spreadsheet(pos sizing is the key to monster gains)
see ya’ll in the room




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