These Are The Must Watch Sectors Right Now (Weekly Swing Report)

The market is on fire which makes for some great trading opportunities to start the week. However, the market is narrowing just a bit so it pays to know what sectors are leading the market. My focus right now is on sectors showing relative strength and are so extended they seem unstoppable.

These are the sectors we look to attack.

In today’s video, I show you my favorite momentum sectors and pick at least one stock from each sector that is on my focus list to start the week. I expect to trade a few of these this week. We also review the booming big tech stocks like TSLA, AAPL and AMZN, and lay out key entry triggers.

Swing Trade Service

This swing trading service is great for those that work and can’t monitor the computer all day. We have in-depth nightly reports on the gameplan for the day/week and all stock picks that I trade will be alerted and emailed to you.

Check out the Swing Service HERE

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