Epic week last week for bulls on wallstreet traders.. Kunal was on fire every single day. despite the market being down the last two days of the week, we saw spec money and momentum flowing into alot of the small cap names. This makes for the best type of trading atmosphere for daytraders. Live alerts in the boom room had a  74% win ratio with a huge gain of $6019 for the week!! You can’t beat that.. so if you are struggling or looking to get started this is the place you want to be. I say this from experience because this is exactly how  I got my start. If you have any questions for me or want suggestions from someone who has been there, then feel free to send me an email at mb.willoughby@gmail.com. There are hundreds of educational blogs explaining in detail all the trading setups. Here is a blog explaining how kunal traded nflx for over $300 this week.  

Here is a look at the trades alerted live in the boom room last week.. both position sizes and entries/exits are posted in real time on the live trading floor.

Here is a list of a few stocks that I am watching for tomorrow:

CRIS- chart is flagging after big runup.. looks ready to break to new highs. looking for break over 5.5

TIVO- breakout watch.. 8.50 looks to be the spot

MRGE- nice tight flag forming.. could be resting for more

HZNP- flag forming.. bullish chart with big volume.. watching for more upside

DENN- flagging after big run up

SYNC- nice mover, should be in play this week



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