Trading Watch List 11.15.2023

stock trading watch list

Big rally across the board after better than expected CPI numbers. QQQ 388 next area, given such a big move Tuesday, potential for chop/inside day action is a possibility but you never know with FOMO market.



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Check out our watch list and game plan:

TSLA 240-242 magnet likely. Needs to see how reacts to those level.
ENPH See if this can get squeeze going on red to green type move. SEDG same idea.
NVDA Indecision type of candle near 500 resistance zone. Watching for direction.
AMD Potential reversal candle. See if follows through, ideally green to red.
PDD Stays on the list if it can go some day.
CVNA 35 big spot.
SAVA See if follows through on 200 MA remount.

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