Tuesday Night Study Session

Study Session Tuesday Night

its open forum  so you can bring your questions, charts, anything that you want to talk about.  Im seeing a lot of progress in the chatroom from many of you guys.  Your starting to pick up the system and the method and really locking down your trade plan.  But we still have much work to do and between this weekly study session and more webinars/videos hopefully we will all be able to accomplish our trading goals.  Its very important if you are learning or having trouble or even doing great that you take advantage of these times.    SEND ME ANY QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE PLEASE.  LEAVE THEM IN THE COMMENTS SECTION SO I CAN PREPARE!  if you guys got a specific thing you want to learn make sure to let me know….like RIGHT NOW! so i can prepare otherwise you guys will just spend 2 hours hearing about how awesome i am!






NO EXCUSES FOLKS! i get a lot of emails from people everyday asking for help on their trades and things that happen to them. When i ask them if they watched the webinars or any of the videos they almost  always say no!  we need to be constantly learning and improving our game.


Start Date/Time


Tue, Feb 28, 2012 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST

Edit: Date/Time

Registration Web Link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/925286646


register at that link.



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