Trading Watch List 03.10.2020

Decent relief rally after successful test Monday’s  low and hold.Most likely day 1 for continued bounce short term.I will be watching for a follow through on red to green type move at open. If the rally is for real , SPY has room to300/304 before resistance comes to play. Its volatile out but if you are an active trader, some amazing opportunity day trading ETF’s like TQQQ, TVIX both long and short.



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Here is the watch list and game plan:

Again, given the volatility,I will be mostly watching ETF’s like TQQQ LABU, SPXL,JNUG,TVIX and some highly liquid tech names for both long and short trades. Volatile market out, if you are not sure what are you doing, it’s better to stay put until market settles down. Business as usual for active day traders, buy support, red to green and sell/short the rips with defined risk/reward in mind. Don’t get frozen if the trade goes against you. Cut the lose and reassess again.

TQQQ Our go to technology long ETF. Watching on a red to green type move or on flat open. Ideally a pull to 68 or 66 and then bounce.
CCL Beaten up cruise sheep stock. Dead cat bounce watch on red to green type move.
TSLA Watching for a build below 668 for a bounce.
SE Amazing hold on 50 MA. Leader name now. Keeping an eye.
GSX Not much damage on this one. Holding up. Keeping an eye.



Follow me on Twitter for real time trading setups@szaman and on StockTwits @szaman

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