Sector Watch: Airlines Are Flying High (Weekly Swing Report)

I know it’s a bad pun, but it’s true: Airlines are flying high.

Every week I do an in-depth sector analysis and what stood out more than housing, financials or semi-conductors (all sectors we’ve been watching) was the strength of the airlines bounce, after a two month pullback.

This is definitely an area to investigate to get stocks on our focus list.

In this week’s video, I analyze the airline sector and show you how to:

  1. Identify a strong sector using price action and money flow
  2. Use float to pick the best stocks in the sector 
  3. Pick the best stocks in a sector by analyzing the volatility of the stocks
  4. Apply the bottom formation setup

Swing Trade Service

This swing trading service is great for those that work and can’t monitor the computer all day. We have in-depth nightly reports on the gameplan for the day/week and all stock picks that I trade will be alerted and emailed to you.

Check out the Swing Service HERE

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