Boom Boom Stocks 7/11/2011

Evening folks. Kick but week last week in the markets.  Everyday stocks off the watchlist were running 20% and more.  We never went a day last week where we didnt nail at least 1 daytrade for a 10% gainer.  BORN, MOBI, MCOX, ALAN, DANG trade after trade this market is giving us opportunity.  The Nasdaq and Russell were both up 3% for the week thats very healthy for the market we want to see the naz and uncle russ lead the way that tells us that risk is back on.  As you can see from many of the top gainers in the market last week  that spec money is back and play and its flowing into all the old names that we’ve traded.  These are the times if it can get going this week where you really try to pad your accounts.

We ended our free two week trial today. big thanks to all the people who signed up ive already spoken on skype,phone and email with many of you guys about your goals and issues in trading.  This is definately the place to be for those that want to learn how to trade aggressively with minimal risk.   If you havent gotten your username yet email he will get you set up. We had to add the last batch manually due to paypal being a stupid company!  We cut it off today as we had so many signup and had only planned on doing it for a couple days.  I will be sure try a trial again in the future.

Also check for my welcome email and please email me back about your trading experience, goals, things you want to learn etc.  The people that do best in our service are the ones that hit me up on the cell, chat, skype every few days always participating and wanting to learn more!



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