Good evening folks! Nasty day in the markets with the s&p having its biggest down day in a few months.  What a way to start the year.  Thats ok though we have seen this type of action before the market is not linear it doesnt just go straight up.  And frankly this type of action is easier to trade then those sideways grinds we get after the big run up in the markets.

I had a not so good day trading.  I was super excited to trade this morning and rushed into too many positions at the open.  I live for this type of volatility and  I was salivating. So i went in too many positions at the open and couldnt keep track of them.  My history and the statistics show that I never trade well when I have more then 3 positions and I usually have a lock on my account to not have more then that but i took it off the other day.  So I ended up getting in some hot positions but I had way to much going on and I couldnt sell and take profits fast enough and booooom! I had this $nrx and it dumped like 80 cents in a few minutes and I panicked and sold on lows only to watch it bounce right back! Just bad management of my emotions and energy levels today this used to happen to me all the time but I have curbed it over the years but every blue moon it still can get me.  For me the key is if I am too wired and too excited to start the week I cant trade the open I need to wait 15 minutes and really gather what is going on so I get precise entries.  My problem is I LOVE TRADING. And it comes easy for me in terms of my strategy because I have been doing it for so long. I can trade all this stuff in my sleep …..but my excitement levels can get the best of me and often can make me overtrade as I start to think I’m invincible!  So lesson learned I will be back to normal tomorrow.  Lost 3k it could have been worse as I lost the 3k in pretty much the first 30 minutes of the day.


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t hat platform you see up there is our platform in CliqueFund through our bullsilver program.  If anyone is looking for a home to trade in and want access to capital, elite technology, and most importantly mentorship email me  . Watch this webinar I did with Peter to learn how to really supercharge your trading with the proper tools, executions, routing and mentorship.

Amazing story this guy went through from being my intern to now managing 3 different hedgefunds along with one of the risk managers at CliqueFund .  Watch this video in a few short years Peter went from being homeless, to an unpaid intern, to my business partner in multiple hedgefunds along with the designer of our new tradign/charting software that will come up in beginning of 2015!

Path To Profitability with Peter “the intern” Zhang


Guys! Im live on bullsvision with my screens and platform up during the day! If you want to learn to trade in realtime and have trouble seeing how things are pieced together this is the product for you. Every morning I go over my watchlist and any additions along with my gameplan then the market starts and you get to see my live.

Here is a video below of what im doing all day on Bullsvision!






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