Carnage  continues in technology momentum names after few days of dead cat bounce. Former darling  stocks like FEYE,DATA ,SPLK,NOW, WDAY are being taken into the woodshed. However , sell off on those are getting a bit stretched and i will be looking for another dead cat bounce soon. If you are new in trading, be careful catching bottom in stocks. This is a dangerous game and you need education and experience to pull it off. Another great day in chat room with $2274 gains for the day, mostly shorting technology momentum names.If you are having difficulties navigating this Market or want to learn trading , feel free to join us in Bulls chat room with a super team of traders.

Follow me on Twitter and StockTwits @szaman


MGM  Needs to hold that 50 MA here.
MGM Needs to hold that 50 MA here.
NOW 200 MA rubber band dead cat bounce watch.
NOW 200 MA rubber band dead cat bounce watch.
SPLK We played short on this today. Now 200 MA  dead cat bounce watch.
SPLK We played short on this today. Now 200 MA dead cat bounce watch.
TRIP We played short on this today. Bear flag setting up .
TRIP We played short on this today. Bear flag setting up .
WDAY  200 MA dead cat bounce watch.
WDAY 200 MA dead cat bounce watch.
WUBA 50 MA barely holding. Do or die spot here.
WUBA 50 MA barely holding. Do or die spot here.
ZU Barely holding 50 MA. Do or die spot here. Stock also has a gap to fill.
ZU Barely holding 50 MA. Do or die spot here. Stock also has a gap to fill.



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