Orderly pullback in the markets so far. There is alot of fed news out this week so it should be interesting for the indexes. The bulls crew continues to milk the market with another huge day in the chatroom.. $1204 in gains. Wow! We had killer trades in $snta today, nailing it several times for maximum gains.

If you are struggling with your trading the you need to join our upcoming bootcamp course starting September 3rd. Learn how to be profitable in any market and to grow a small account! We teach you everything from risk management to scanning to trading strategies. The class is one of a kind. See what is taught in the course hereand email me mb.willoughby@gmail.com if interested in signing up!

URRE- starting to get extended, watching for weakness and short opp

PRAN- parabolic short

GNK- shipping sector has been strong. this name is flagging

ACAD- breakout watch

BCRX- flagging for another run

OSTK- flagging

SPWR- bull flag

TEAR- flagging, looks like it wants more

ECYT- flagging

LITB- breakout watch



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