Big day in the bulls room today.. we banked $1067 in gains today. Nothing new in the market.. every dip gets bought and we slowly grind higher. We had really nice trades in $gv $byd $jaso, $oncy etc. Here is  look at the trades from today and my favorite charts for tomorrow!

Our stragey at bulls on wallstreet is to help people with smaller accounts make consistent profits week in and week out. As you can see we keep our losses small and minimize our risk by making sure we take a manageable position size on each trade. Small gains add up to big weeks! If you are looking for a new broker.. check out our bulls silver plan.. you get 5.50 trades, great short borrows, 10:1 leverage and a free sub to the bulls room! Email me with questions. Also our bulls bootcamp will be starting up soon.. get in while there are still spots available…Let me know if interested.

OVTI- break thru 16

BRCD- flagging, breakout watch

MENT- love this chart.. flagging for breakout


INVN- break thru 15

CIMT- parabolic short watch.. needs to show weakness. overbought

OCZ- bounce watch



FB- short setup

ANAD- chart coiling.. breakout watch

SONS- breakout watch



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