We see range-bound action in the broader stock market. However, some individual stocks still look decent and full of momentum. Bulls need to step up soon.


$AEGR Biotech is hot. Breaks out over $28.Watching over $27.75.

$AVG Breaks out over $16.39.

$CLSN Bio name. Watching over $8.58, breaks out at $8.87.

$CORT Bio name. Watching $2 area.

$PNR Watching $50.90 area for a trade.

$TV Momentum play. Watch $28 area.

$UNXL Momentum name. Holding the breakout area so far. Watching $18 area for movement.

$WGO Over $19 for a trade.

$XNPT  Bio name. Range break over $9.30.

$GTAT Watching 50 MA break over $3.50.



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