Earn Full-Time Money Through Part-Time Effort

To quote conventional wisdom, “time is money.” And while this phrase has some truth, time is also time. The precious seconds we’re given everyday are a commodity in their own rite, affording time with our friends and family, the opportunity to indulge hobbies, and the flexibility to relax from time to time. The problem is, …

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Day Trading: The Importance of Keeping Your Emotions Under Control

Human beings are not calculators. Sometimes, perhaps, we wish we were. After all, there’s plenty of money to be made off of good math, and day trading is living proof of that fact. In some ways, our ability to think outside the box is what can set us apart, but the difference between creative thinking …

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Technical Analysis 101: 5 Things You Need To Know

Bulls and bears, booms and busts; each scenario provides an opportunity for profit. While long-term investors concern themselves with fundamental market movements, those playing the short game understand the importance of a little statistical know-how. Technical analysis isn’t simple, but within its techniques resides a few simple truths that can clarify the market picture and …

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What To Do When You Fail

Day trading is an attractive proposition. The potential to make a great deal of wealth is what has those unaware of the complexities and challenges sauntering into the market planning on nothing but success. That’s why hitting that first bump in the road can be so challenging: failing to recognize ahead of time that failure …

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10 Ultimate Trading Survival Techniques

Trading is not for the faint of heart. Varying amounts of personal investment and often-stressful conditions can wear down the unprepared. For this reason, a little foreknowledge goes a long way in determining success. Here are ten tips to keep in mind when taming the stock trading jungle. Choose Your Tools Wisely Master carpenters have a …

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Trading Education vs. Trial-and-Error: How to Save on Time, Money, and Headaches

For the uninitiated and un-enlightened, day trading can seem like snake oil. Hollywood and media depictions of arrogant suits building piles of money through suspicious activity seem to dominate the public view-port. But the process is nothing like these dramatizations would lead you to believe. In fact, the occupation lives and dies on extensive knowledge, …

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