Another green day in the market,S&P-500  ending a solid  week almost 3% gains for the week. Bulls crew also had a great week with over $8K gains so far for the month. If you are interested in trading these low risk/ Huge gains  setups with us and learn trading, live in a chat room with a super team of traders, please  email for info.

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CLDX  Momentum flagging here. Watching 20.79 area for movement.










DXM Might get a pop on this down trend line break. Needs volume.










HIMX Over 5.78, might try 50MA 6.20 area.










HWAY Watching over down trend line break, around 16.70.










IMMU Continuation watch over 5.77.










MX 19.30 breakout watch.










RKUS 13.80 range break watch.










UNXL Might get a pop over 15.20 with 15.54 resistance.










VOYA 29.16 breakout watch.










WGO  Breakout  continuation watch.






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