The Only Swing Trade Setup You Need To Know

Every successful swing trader has a basket of “bread and butter” setups that she knows inside and out and can trade in her sleep.  These setups make up the bulk of trader profits.  My “goto” setup is the breakout-pullback setup.

What are the ingredients of the breakout-pullback setup?  The setup simply requires a breakout, on strong volume, over resistance, and a pullback to a major support level.  That is it!  If you know anything about me, you know I like to KISS–keep it simple stupid.

While this setup seems simple, there are many intricacies involved that take many hours and trades to master.  Over the course of the next few weeks, I will develop a series of videos with breakout-pullback examples culled from the current focus list that is given to Trade Report members every evening.   While I can’t teach you everything you need to know in a few short videos, by the time the series is over you will have the basics needed to trade this profitable setup.

We have a free trial to our part time trader service we would love to see you in there! Free Trial 

If your intersted in seeing what this service and my style is all about check our our webinar we did! Its got hours of detailed content for your education and a background into what we are doing here.  Swing Trade Webinar 


Video Analysis of the Breakout-Pullback Setup – Zillow, $Z

Now that you have watched the video, find some breakout-pullback setups and post them in the comments below, and I will give you my feedback.

My focus list is, market analysis and trade alerts are all featured in the Market Speculator Part-Time Swing Trade Report.  If you would like to receive the swing trade report and alerts, sign up for the free trial.  Follow me on twitter or email me at



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